Freedom is for rich people
When I read about the new “cybersecurity laws” in China, I couldn’t believe what
I was reading. It’s an Orwellian nightmare. Something that’s straight from “1984”.
Here’s the premise: The government can and will record everything you say and
do, and based upon that data they will segment you and either fine you or reward
you for being a good citizen. There is no concept of privacy. If you’re thinking
it, then you’ll want to communicate it. If you communicate it, you’re dealing
with the government.
Oh, and pseudonyms are forbidden and punishable.
This all seems so far fetched. But meanwhile, right under my nose, something
slipped my attention. Here in the tiny waterlogged country of The Netherlands,
we’re implementing something similar. The concept is “Smart City”. Which is a
nice title for RFE / “Record Fucking Everything”. While it might have seemed
pretty harmless up ‘til now, we have reached a critical inversion point.
There is a neighbourhood in a little town called “Helmond”. This neighbourdhood
will be filled to the brim with sensors. These sensors will “RFE”. Depending on
what data you share with companies / the government, you will get a lower rent.
Inversion of that; if you don’t want to share data, you pay more rent.
The whole thing is still a concept right now. But the entire article reads like
the beginning of a nightmare.
Serendipitous as it may be, the literal translation of “Helmond” is “Hell’s mouth”.
Do your best illuminati conspiracy theorists! ;)
link: China’s privacy nightmare
link: Article about Helmond (in dutch) on